Getting Connected
Before you can have any impact with people, you need to get near them–you must go! How will you get close to people who are far from God? In the simplest sense, there are just two kinds of non-Christians in the world: those you know and those you don’t know.
People You KNOW
The people you know are part of your oikos (the New Testament word meaning “household”). Write down the names of 10 of your family or friends, then write down 10 people that each of them know. This list will remind you who to pray for and who to reach. It also helps you to begin praying for “second generation” disciples before they even become believers.
People You DON’T KNOW
The rest of the world’s people are the ones you don’t know. You will find them on the street, in the marketplace, or by going door-to-door. Reaching strangers requires an extra set of skills, as you have to meet people and build trust.
Bridging to the Gospel
A bridge takes you from natural conversation to spiritual conversation, making a smooth transition to the gospel. Your testimony is one example of a gospel bridge–a story of what your life used to be like and how Jesus has changed your life.