Pioneering Among the Nepalese

Tasmania is home to refugees from many nations, among which are the Nepalese of Bhutan. Launceston is Tasmania’s second largest city and has over 500 Nepalese refugees–more than twice as many as in Hobart. But among those 500 were very few Christian believers; most come from Hindu or Buddhist backgrounds. God has laid on the hearts of Nepalese AIM trainers Paul and Isaac to target their own people in that city. Paul discovered that many of them are “long lost relatives,” many of whom were uncles, aunts, and cousins that he had not seen in years (or in some cases, never met) due to circumstances in the refugee camps.

Paul approached me to share his desire to witness to these people, so I agreed to assist and invited Fred, our Congolese refugee partner, to go as well. On Saturday 29 September, five of us packed into Paul’s car and headed north on the 2-hour trip to Launceston.

We visited 5 Nepalese homes on that first day. We truly had a team approach: Paul introduced us, Fred shared his extended story of being rescued from the refugee camp in Africa, I shared the gospel message while Isaac translated into Nepali, Paul reiterated the message and shared his own story, and Rajesh talked with the children and also shared his story in some homes. On Saturday we witnessed to a total of 22 people, and we were astounded at how intently these people listened to our message.

One lady, Bhadra, made a firm decision to follow Jesus. Several others were close to making a decision but we were reluctant to “draw the net” as it was their very first time to hear the gospel message. We returned to one home as they had graciously offered us their place to stay the night. That evening, we led 2 more people–Gam and Bebash–to faith in Jesus.

On Sunday we started out early, visiting the home of a vision-impaired man who had made a decision to follow Jesus about 2 years ago but has had no one to disciple him. He gladly agreed to be baptized, and we began training him in TFT Lesson 1 (orally, as he is unable to read). While we were there, two Buddhist men came pounding on the door insisting to come in–but when they entered and saw us, they fled! We continued on to 3 other homes, witnessing to a total of 9 adults, among which some were from a Hindu priestly lineage. We returned to Bhadra’s home and made arrangements for her baptism, and while we were there she showered us with copious amounts of food!

The five of us returned to Hobart, rejoicing that the Lord had opened up amazing doors for us. We made plans to return the following weekend to baptise and train the new believers and to start at least one outreach group in a house of peace. It was refreshing to see so much interest in the gospel message. Usually we find ourselves tugging on fruit, but in this instance finding that the fruit was literally falling off the trees into our hands. We pray that God will multiply disciples and groups throughout the Nepalese in Tasmania and that they will be a strong witness to others here.


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